Enzo, is a hyper-active kid. He
usually hangs around Bob (Who he looks up to as a big brother figure), and follows him
into games, which he shouldn't (It's too dangerous according to Dot). He does anyways, and
either ends up helping out or getting in the way. Enzo is Dot's little brother - and he
cares about her as much as she does him. He has green skin and black hair, like his
sister, and wears a backwards red cap, on which his ReBoot icon sits. In the episode
'Talent Night' Enzo got an upgrade from 01 to 10. Because of the fact that when the Twin
City got destroyed - most of the Data Sprites went with it, Enzo doesn't really have any
friends his age. However in the episode 'AndrAIa' he goes into a game, and meets a Game
Sprite, called AndrAIa, who leaves the game with him and they become good friends.
In Web World
Was, just before Bob was shot into the web, he was given a field commission as first-level
guardian - giving him the same style uniform and icon Bob had. He also got hold of Glitch
when Bob was thrown into the web, however it doesn't work too well since Megabyte crushed
it. Enzo had a lot of trouble as Guardian of Mainframe - mainly due to Megabyte's
propaganda schemes against him. The city saw him as too young to be a REAL Guardian (Plus
he's green. And "Greens no color for a defender of the system dontcha know!").
However, with help from Dot and AndrAIa he soon became skilled enough and the city came to
accept him.
However - just as Enzo was getting skilled, a game came down he couldn't win. His left
eye was smashed in it's socket, and just before the User finished him off he, Andraia, and
Frisket switched into Game Sprite mode, and left with the Game.
Enzo, Andraia, and Frisket spent years going from
system to system, using the games as a form of travel, trying to find a way home. Enzo got
a robotic replacement for his eye, and a pretty mean gun, which is linked to the eye as a
targeting device. Enzo swore never to lose a game again, and is CONSTANTLY working out to
make himself bigger and better - so that he's ready for the games - and when he finally
gets home, ready to delete Megabyte. Enzo has changed his name to Matrix, claming that the
boy everyone used to know is gone, and that he's bigger and better now. But really he's
only changed for the worst - his good intentions drowned by his hatred for Megabyte.
Although he looks in his 20's, Matrix is only about one-one (11) due to the fact that game
time is different from real time, and he spends a lot of time in games. Matrix and AndrAIa
have fallen in love during their travels through the net - she's the one thing he cares
about, and is really the only person that keeps him going.
Along the line, Matrix, AndrAIa, and Frisket come across a city with ports to the net.
However they soon discover - via Turbo, head Guardian - that the Guardians have all become
infected by the Super Virus, Daemon. Only Matrix and Bob are left uninfected - thusly they
need Bob's codes to stop the infection, and to open the ports to Mainframe. Matrix and co.
soon team up with Ray Tracer, a web surfer, and the crew of the Crimson Binome to find
Bob. They 'venture into the web, find Bob and make it home. Matrix defeats Megabyte in
hand-to-hand combat, but instead of killing him lets him go. Megabyte still manages to get
lost in the web though due to the interference of Mouse.
Matrix saved himself by not killing Megabyte - and not becoming the thing he hated
Due to the fact that Matrix was in game sprite mode - when the User ReBooted Mainframe,
during a system crash - the computer didn't see him as being there and thusly created a
new version - the original O1 Enzo. So now Enzo and Matrix both exisit seperately.
Voiced By: Jesse Moss (Season 1) Matthew Sinclair (Season 2)
Christopher Gray (Little Enzo - Season 3) and Paul Dobson (Matrix - Season 3)
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