Dot runs, and has partnerships with almost everything and
everyone in Mainframe. Her primary business is Dot's Diner though - the coolest hang out
in the small system. When Dot was young, her father was killed in the Twin City crash. Dot
from then on in, made it her business to look after her little brother - Enzo. She often
looks after him such as a mother would, kind of acting as a parent and a sister at the
same time. Dot is a strong woman - who won't let anything or anyone stand in her way. If
there's a problem she'll break it down no matter what it takes. Although she dis-likes the
games she's usually a major player in them and will do anything to win. Dot's also very
kind to others - and as much as she might hate someone (Like Megabyte), she would never
bring herself to delete them. Although she's a strong character, she's also very
emotional, and is the only person on the show ever seen crying. I like this - it makes her
more human.
Dot has a love for Bob, that she never truly displays. Although they sometimes get into
fights, they both have a deep respect for each other.
When Bob get's lost in the web - Dot is put in
command of Mainframe. She toughens up a bit, and Acquires a new battle suit. She's sad at
the loss of Bob but continues on. Although at first she doesn't allow Enzo to follow his
new Guardian protocol and go into the games, she soon helps him learn all he needs to know
to become a the protector of the city. Then - when he's lost in the games - she can't help
but cry. The two most important men in her life are gone. However, once more, she
continues on with her only support being from Mouse - and Hack and Slash - who have
changed sides, protecting her.
Over time Megabyte manages to take over Mainframe, renaming it to Megaframe. Dot -
along with Mouse and an assortment of other Binomes - are forced to move into a run down
building. Dot is still the COMMAND.COM of the system, but locked out of the Principle
Office, she has no control. It's the most she can do to keep the small band on rebels
alive and fighting.
Over time Mouse gets Dot to admit her love for Bob, but when the
Guardian returns she has trouble accepting him back into her life. Eventually though,
after Mouse's encouragement, she admits her love for him and the two get together.
Voiced By: Kathleen Barr
Sound Files: Dot.wav